The Family Farm

This is what the kids and I did today:
let the chickens out, filled their feed troughs, broke the ice in their water dishes
covered the greens with remay
fixed a deer fence
collected firewood & split kindling
harvested usnia and tree lungwort from the fallen Willow warrior tree
made gods’ eyes for the winter fair
played lego
read a book
made tea
went on a beach walk
washed & cartooned eggs
watched Dogs with Jobs videos
stewed chili and baked bread for dinner
…while Steve was away for the weekend on a Solar Engineering course

Canadian farmer Daniel Schneider voices his concern about the end of family farming. Death by a thousand legislations. He says we need to preserve the family farm if we want to make sure food is produced ethically in the future.

If we want to make sure that ethics and morals and values stay inside farming, we need to make sure that families stay inside farming.
– Daniel Schneider

Take a listen to Does Canada Need Family Farms? on CBC The 180.

And give this a read: Grapes of Wrath, Travails of a Produce Farmer in Wine Country

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